all content including images ©2007 and Gerald A. Sharp

All Content (text and images) ©2006 by Gerald A. Sharp and
So. Pasadena, CA 91031

| - Wu Style Taijiquan Push Hands
The teachings of Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan founder Wu Jian Chuan were passed on directly to his children, including his daughter Wu Ying Hua and her husband Ma Yueh Liang. Grandmaster Ma Yueh Liang was Wu Jian Chuan's best known disciple. Two indoor students of Grandmaster Ma Yueh Liang present the entire Wu Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan Push Hands exercise cirriculum on video in a two volume set of Power Push Hands. Zhou Zhan Fang teaches in Shanghai. Gerald A. Sharp teaches in South Pasadena, California. Both can be reached through the chiflow website. An extended article on Wu Style Push Hands follows this page.
The Fundamentals of Four Kinetic Movements:
Basic Pattern (Self - Practicing Method) presented by Zhou Zhan Fang & Gerald A. Sharp
An - Push Down

Ji - Push Through the Line

Beng - Ward Off

Lu - Roll Back

An - Push Down

Ji - Push Through the Line

Beng - Ward Off

Lu - Roll Back
"The fundamentals of the four kinetic movements are often overlooked by beginners due to the relative simplicity and prolonged practice may cause a sense of monotony. But according to the five character rule of Master Ma, that is, calmness, lightness, slowness, exactness and perseverence, much can be learned during the practice. It is no easy work to perform the procedures up to standard, nor can it be learned in a few days. Learners are often overanxious for quick results. They start competing with others when they have only just begun to learn the self-practicing methods. Thus they ignore correct postures and the way of performance." - L.T. quote from this great book.
Click HERE to link to a featured article on Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Push Hands.