Baguazhang (Pakua Chang)
The practice of Baguazhang is fundamentally organized as a collection of "Eight Palms." The basic practice of these is called the Mother Palms. These palms are then joined in a more complex set, combining both a polar and cyclical set of energies known as the "Old Eight Palms." This application example comes from the Jiang Rong Qiao Style of Baguazhang.
Essentially the palm shape for Thunder is characterized as a palm (or palms) in which the fingers point towards each other and the palms face inwards as if "embracing clouds filled with energy." Energetically, the Thunder Palm is often associated with the season of spring, which can produce days filled with excessive wind. Wind can be the most upsetting of all atmospheric forces, and the inward facing palms can help to both maintain and stabilize the practitioner's energy and protect them from the harmful effects of excessive wind.
Therefore, with a balanced diet and the ample amount of hydration and movement, the Wind Palm, as well as the third palm of the Old Eight Palms, can be utilized to optimize the flow of "chi."
Introduction to Baguazhang
Overview of Pa Kua Chang