Baguazhang (Pakua Chang)
The practice of Baguazhang is fundamentally organized as a collection of "Eight Palms." The basic practice of these is called the Mother Palms. These palms are then joined in a more complex set, combining both a polar and cyclical set of energies known as the "Old Eight Palms." This application example comes from the Jiang Rong Qiao Style of Baguazhang.
The palm shape for Mountain is a combination of a Yang Palm and a Tiao Palm that flicks out and up to "support the sky." Energetically, the Mountain Palm is often associated with the season of late winter which can be a time when remnants of a dry and cold winter linger as we transition into an emerging, vibrant spring. Dryness can be hard on fluids and is the root of dehydration. Therefore, with a balanced diet and the correct amount of hydration, the Mountain Palm, as well as the Seventh Palm of the Old Eight Palms, can be utilized to optimize the flow of "chi" especially if chi is stagnate and yearning for a fresh beginning.
Introduction to Baguazhang
Overview of Pa Kua Chang